Post #3 - The Dragon 2 Capsule(Re-entry and splashdown)

Today's post is the conclusion of the Dragon 2 Capsule.

We will be covering what happens when the capsule reenters the atmosphere and lands. In the next post, We will be covering the Launch vehicle(LV) for the Dragon spacecraft. Falcon 9.

After the Dragon 2 undocks from the international, It uses Draco thrusters, different from the SuperDraco thrusters, these Draco engines are used as RCS(Reaction Control Thrusters) engines to control apogee/perigee, orbital control, and attitude maneuvering. It uses these Draco thrusters to steer clear of the ISS. These Draco thrusters are also used to deorbit the Dragon 2. The trunk of the Dragon also separates from the Capsule, allowing the center of pressure to be near the nose or the pointy end of the Capsule, with the center of gravity near the heat shield, or the flat part of the capsule. Doing this allows the capsule to go in heat shield first, thereby protecting the capsule during reentry.
Image result for Dragon pad abort trunk sep"
SpaceX's post about the recent Dragon ad abort test

Dragon 2 uses a variation of NASA's popular carbon ablative shield for re-entry. Ablative heat shield's use resin that heat's up into a gas which blows away from the spacecraft, taking heat with it and creating a cooler boundary layer due to the high surface area to volume of the gas layer.

Image result for ablative heat shield animation dragon"
Dragon 2 re-entry animation
After re-entry, the drogue chutes, deploy, slowing the capsule to a speed where the main parachutes will not fail when deployed. As the drogue parachutes are released from the capsule, it pulls out the door of the main parachutes. The drogue chutes float away as the main parachutes deploy. However, in order to lessen the aerodynamic forces on the parachutes, the parachutes deploy wreathed. This means that the parachute is deployed wrapped, as the parachutes unfurl, they slow the capsule, this prevents severe jerking and deceleration which can be a problem for humans and delicate cargo.

Dragon 2 will splashdown in the ocean, the capsule will be recovered and possibly reused as a cargo capsule, not a human one.

- Anonymously Aerospaced


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