Post #1 - CCP General Overview

This post is outdated

Today's Post is about the CCP or Commercial Crew Program. The Commercial Crew Program is NASA's efforts to return American astronauts to space on American rockets from American Soil. To do this, NASA contracted 2 private companies, SpaceX and Boeing to develop 2 different capsules.

SpaceX created the Crew Dragon Capsule which is a human-certified space capsule designed to support Astronauts from launch until docking. 

Boeing created the Boeing Starline which is another human-certified space capsule designed to support Astronauts from launch until docking.

Over the next few days, I will go into more detail on each of these aspects. Describing capsules, main differences, launch vehicles, capabilities, reusability, and many other things relating to the CCP such as itès origin and itès predecessor, the Space Shuttle Program.

Please leave your suggestions in the comments. Stay tuned for more

- Anonymously Aerospaced
